Grant Application Information
The Hugo H. and Mabel B. Young Foundation was established by Hugo Young and his wife Mabel Young in May 1963 to benefit Internal Revenue Code section 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charitable organizations operating in Ashland and Holmes Counties, Ohio, in the area in which Mr. and Mrs. Young were born and lived their entire lives. Within that geographical area, the Youngs expressed the wish to primarily, but not exclusively, benefit organizations operating in the Loudonville-Perrysville Exempted Village and the West Holmes County School Districts since the company founded by the Youngs, the Flxible Company, operated plants in both communities.
Grant-making Criteria
To document the previously mentioned geographical and community guidelines, the general giving policy enunciated by the Youngs and their pattern of giving, the Trustees of the Hugo H. and Mabel B. Young Foundation adopt this statement of grant-making criteria for the guidance of themselves and future trustees:
1. Ashland and Holmes Counties, Ohio: Giving exclusively to Internal Revenue Code section 501(c) (3) tax-exempt charitable organizations primarily, but not exclusively, in Ashland and Holmes Counties, Ohio.
2. Loudonville-Perrysville Exempted Village and West Holmes County School Districts: Giving primarily, but not exclusively, to tax-exempt organizations operating in the Loudonville-Perrysville Exempted Village and the West Holmes County School Districts.
3. Educational Programs: Supporting educational programs (including grants to libraries), particularly elementary and secondary education. Grants for elementary and secondary education have emphasized computer and science education.
4. Youth: Assisting young people living within the community the Foundation serves through a wide variety of programs, including college scholarships.
5. Health Care: Providing support to local health care.
6. Community Development: Consistent with Hugo Young’s position as a business leader within the area his Foundation serves, supporting business development programs.
7. Music and the Arts: Recognizing the fact that Hugo and Mabel Young enjoyed music and the arts, and Hugo was a musician, contributing to musical programs at such institutions as the Ashland Symphony.
8. Senior Citizens: Improving the quality of life for senior citizens through grants to organizations such as the Ashland County Council on Aging.
9. Public Safety: Aiding those who volunteer to provide a safe environment within the rural area served by the Foundation through grants to the Loudonville Fire and Police Departments.
10. Challenge Grants: As the Hugo H. and Mabel B. Young Foundation Trustees work to carry out the purposes for which the Foundation was formed, their are guided by the belief of the Foundation’s founders, and their own belief, that the community the Foundation serves should help itself and those benefiting from or advocating a program which comes within the Foundation’s purposes should often be partners with the Foundation in funding the program. Therefore, in addition to making outright grants, the Foundation frequently makes challenge, matching grants.